Wellness Expanded

“If the conversation doesn’t include everyone then it is not radical enough. If it does not address our relationship to the planet then it is not sustainable enough. Unless exploring interdependence is made a priority, it is not harmony.”


Internal Arts and Practices

Any conversation on wellness worth it’s salt is going to have a huge focus placed on cultivating health in the body and mind. As a massage therapist and meditation instructor, I am endlessly fascinated by the interplay and inseparability of these two aspects of being. To begin exploring what it takes to be fully alive in this strange time, we will be investigating practices and worldviews that create change within the body and mind. This includes but is not limited to: Yoga, Meditation, Artmaking, Fitness, Bodywork, Martial Arts, Diet, Trauma-Informed Therapies, Modern Pain Science, Psychology, Kinesiology, and other alternative health modalities.


Learning Our Roles in the World

The other portion of exploring wellness that I believe most often gets left behind is the integration of our internal arts with how we navigate the external world. This current moment in time is calling us all forward to bring our intellect and hearts to the table and respond to the demands of this changing world. Climate change, institutionalized inequality, culture wars, and mass economic displacement are sweeping through the globe and requiring us to examine our relationship to the services and systems we rely on. In the view of this show, the work of understanding and accommodating these converging issues is paramount to increasing our vitality and connection to ourselves and the world at large. In order to have this conversation we are going to be diving into (but not limited to) social activism, environmental justice, sustainable agriculture, politics, ethical market participation, and our relationships.



In order to properly understand the role and harmony of the human being in this modern environment. I think it’s important to investigate the worldviews of the past and the expressions that arose from them. In order to honor this unique aspect of our species, I want to invite practitioners from each of the major philosophical and spiritual traditions and talk with them about what their perspective viewpoint thinks of this current time and how we can best orient ourselves with the unique stressors we face. We’ll cover everything from Buddhism to the Occult, Hinduism to New Ageism, Christian Mysticism to Satanism. Nothing is off the table.