Taking our yoga off the mat with Jeremy Wolf

Jeremy Wolf is an esteemed yoga teacher based out of Colorado. With more than 25 years of experience practicing yoga, he's here to help us understand how we can expand the practice into our daily lives. You can check out his virtual yoga nidra courses and more over at jeremywolfyoga.com

Jeremy's Bio
"Jeremy's interest in mind and body began with martial arts, and later meditation became his doorway into yoga. He received his initial yoga certification in India in Classical Yoga and has completed his 500hr certification through Rod Stryker's school of ParaYoga. He is an E-RYT 500, YACEP, reiki master, meditation and yoga nidra instructor, with certifications and formal training in the Bihar, Himalayan, iRest and Amrit methods, and a music producer/label DJ for France's Ultimae Records. His weekly classes and trainings seek to embody the richness and holistic practice of yoga's deeply spiritual origin."

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Show Topics
How does yoga unfold?
Is yoga a religion or science?
Yoga off the mat
How the 8 limbs expand our practice
The potentials within stillness
The destabilizing nature of overstimulation
Breathe to ease mental agitation
Cultivating a neutral viewpoint
Converting pain into understanding
Re-contextualizing freedom


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